5 Easy Steps to Having an Awesome First Year at Bentley

No matter how much I refuse to believe that this is my last year at Bentley, it is inevitable that I will be walking across the stage in May to receive my diploma. It has been one crazy ride these past few years, but after some reflection I realized that freshman year was the start to my amazing experience at Bentley.

With that said, let me leave you with 5 easy steps to having an awesome first year at Bentley


College… It can be a little nerve-wracking. You are most likely leaving home for the first time to an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar faces, but trust me on my words that orientation will take all those nerves away. Are you scared of doing something embarrassing? Don’t worry the Orientation Leaders will be doing things that will surpass any sort of embarrassment you may come across. Just EMBRACE THE CHEESE and you will find yourself making friends before the semester even starts. You might even find a potential roommate!

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2. Set S.M.A.R.T Goals

Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Timely

Everyone sets goals beginning January 1st to start off the New Year, but why not set some more goals day 1 of college? Think about the things you want to achieve in your first year. Whether it is a personal or academic based goal, college is a blank slate where you can start all over. Continue to set and reach your goals throughout your years at Bentley, and you will find yourself succeeding in all your endeavors.

Tip: Make your goals visible! Write them down or create a dream board and tape it to your wall or mirror everyday to remind yourself of the achievements you want to obtain by the end of your first year.



There are over 100 student organizations recognized on campus! So go to the Activities Fair at the beginning of the semester and sign up for something you’re interested in. This is a great way to meet new people that have common interests with you! My best friend and I became friends starting freshman year through our involvement in South Asian Students Association.



You may or may not be from Waltham, MA, but there is always room to venture out in the town and Boston. With the close proximity to Boston and access to Harvard Square via the Bentley Shuttle Bus, you can explore the beautiful city with friends and family! You might also want to really venture out and go skydiving one day with your friends. DCIM100GOPRO


Most importantly, build relationships with peers, faculty, and staff! I touched upon meeting new people in the previous steps, but take the time to create those strong bonds with them. I am so appreciative of the people I met at Bentley. My peers, faculty, and staff were the ones that supported and helped me grow with the opportunity to become an Orientation Leader, ALANA Leader, Resident Assistant, Peer Academic Advisor, Admissions Fellow, and Risk Assurance Intern at PwC.

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