The Campus Visit

Summer is the perfect time for you and your family to come visit the Undergraduate Admission Office at Bentley. Throughout the summer, we offer tours, information sessions and interviews, Monday through Thursday. If you’re only able to visit campus on a Friday, we offer self-guided tours and virtual reality tours on this day. The information sessions are held with an admission counselor who will provide you with exceptional knowledge about programs offered at Bentley, campus life, and the admission process. For our tours, student ambassadors will take you all around campus, sharing important facts you and your family should know about Bentley, as well as personal experiences. You’ll have the chance to see our academic buildings, library, classrooms, student center, gym and even a dorm! The tours are a great opportunity for prospective students to have an in-depth conversation with a current student and discover what life at Bentley is truly like. For those of you going out on a tour, don’t be afraid to ask your tour guide questions! Student ambassadors can help you decipher whether Bentley would be a good fit or not, but that’s only possible if you ask questions and share with them what you’re looking for in a college.


It can be difficult for high school students to fully           comprehend what college is like and therefore it can be challenging to know what kinds of questions you should ask when you visit colleges. To help those of you who might need an idea of what kinds of questions we often receive on tours and in interviews, here’s a list of questions that can help get you on the right track!


  • How much time do students typically spend on homework each week?
  • What is the average class size at Bentley?
  • What percentage of financial need does Bentley typically meet?
  • Are there any opportunities to work on campus?
  • What percentage of freshman return for sophomore year?
  • What is the job placement rate?
  • What are the professors like? Have you had the opportunity to develop a relationship with any of them?
  • Where do you go on campus if you need extra help or academic advice?
  • Do you find Career Services to be helpful?
  • How did you choose your major?
  • What do students do on or around campus on the weekends?
  • What’s been your favorite experience at Bentley?

My last piece of advice would be to ask for the business card of any student worker or admission counselor you have the opportunity to speak with. It’s not uncommon for students to leave campus and on the car ride home think of a question you wish you had asked during the tour or interview.  By having that business card, you can easily find the e-mail address of either your tour guide or a counselor and ask them your question(s). Also, for those of you thinking about applying to Bentley, it never hurts being in contact with the admission counselor assigned to your area who will be reading your application. You can ask one of our student workers at the front desk to inform you of who that counselor might be.


We look forward to meeting you all as you visit Bentley this summer! Enjoy!

Spring Day

Spring Day is the most highly anticipated event of the year for all Bentley students. What does Spring Day entail you might ask? It’s Bentley’s big spring concert, which takes place the weekend before finals begin. It’s the last hoorah with your friends and classmates before you head home for the summer (or in my case, enter the real world). Each year Bentley hosts a barbecue down at the Dana Center, with games, obstacle courses, and other activities taking place on the football field nearby. Crowds flock to the free food and activities before the concert. If you come to Bentley, you’ll soon discover how much students love free food and t-shirts! There’s so much to do on campus during Spring Day that you’re guaranteed to have an amazing time with friends.

The Campus Activities Board outdid themselves this year by bringing Jason Derulo to campus. The concert was a blast and the best part was that tickets were only $1! Talk about a good deal. Past performers that have come to Bentley include T-Pain, Nelly, Ludacris, Gloriana, and Far East Movement.

Spring Day performer Jason Derulo
Spring Day performer Jason Derulo

The reason Spring Day is the best day of the year for Bentley students is because it’s a fun day with friends before having to stress over finals. Students wake up early in anticipation for the big day. With so many activities taking place on campus and an amazing concert, it’s no wonder why students can’t wait for Spring Day each year. It’s not uncommon to see groups of friends or members of fraternities and sororities walking around in customized t-shirts. Everyone wants a t-shirt to help remember the best day of the year! My friends and I would always get together a few weeks before Spring Day and customize our own tank tops so that we would stand out amongst the crowds of Bentley students. It’s nice having a tank top from each Spring Day, helping me relive the great memories I had!

Spring Day 2015
Spring Day 2015
Spring Day 2014
Spring Day 2014


Hello readers! Whether you are an admitted student who will be joining our community this fall as a freshman or if you’re a prospective student in the midst of the college process, I hope you will all enjoy hearing about my own personal experiences here at Bentley University. By sharing my experiences in blog posts, I’m hoping that you’ll get a better sense of what life at Bentley entails and be able to better determine if Bentley could be a good fit for you. Before I start blogging about my experiences, I wanted to share with you all a little bit about myself.

For starters, my name is Carolyn Jenkins and I’m from Andover, MA. I graduated from Bentley in May. Saying I graduated is a scary thing to type out. As you can see, I am still in denial that college is over and that I actually graduated. Anyway…

Most college grads always say that college was the best four years of their life. For me however, I can only say I had the best three years of my life at Bentley since I didn’t transfer here until my sophomore year. I attended a different university in CT for my freshman year, where I studied business and met some amazing people. Unfortunately, although I had a great group of friends and felt like the school was a good fit academically, campus never felt like home to me. It seemed as though something was missing and it was not the college experience I wanted. Lucky for me, my parents were supportive of my decision to transfer and choosing Bentley was by far the best decision I ever made.

I transferred to Bentley knowing I had a strong interest in business, but uncertain of which major was right for me. After my first semester and completing a marketing class, I declared my major as Marketing, with a minor in law (another interest of mine). I’ve become passionate about marketing over the years, so much so that I decided to apply to the Master’s Candidate Program here at Bentley, in hopes of completing my Master’s degree in a 5th year. I’m happy to report that I have been accepted into the Master’s Program and I’ll be continuing my studies here at Bentley studying Marketing Analytics this fall. It’s true… I loved Bentley so much that I’m just not quite ready to leave.

I always tried to stay busy during my undergraduate career. As early as my first week on campus I had signed up for several clubs and organizations, such as Campus Activities Board, Bentley Fashion Consultants and HerCampus. I started working on campus as well, becoming a tour guide (or as we call them here, an “ambassador”) by the end of spring semester. I also gave back to my transfer community by becoming a Transfer Seminar Facilitator and Orientation Leader for two years. By my senior year, I was fortunate enough to become an Admission Fellow, where I interview prospective students and work alongside admission counselors, assisting them in various ways.

The 2014-2015 Admission Fellows at our Secret Santa party
The 2014-2015 Admission Fellows at our Secret Santa reveal

So now you might ask what does post grad life entail for me this summer? Well, as I wait to begin graduate school this fall I’m back at the Undergraduate Admissions Office, working as an Admission Fellow once again. If any of you reading are visiting Admissions this summer, be sure to say hello!

Well… that’s enough about me. I’ll be sure to share with you all some of my favorite Bentley experiences and the aspects of Bentley I found most appealing as a student here. Hope you all enjoy!

Bentley Library