The Campus Visit

Summer is the perfect time for you and your family to come visit the Undergraduate Admission Office at Bentley. Throughout the summer, we offer tours, information sessions and interviews, Monday through Thursday. If you’re only able to visit campus on a Friday, we offer self-guided tours and virtual reality tours on this day. The information sessions are held with an admission counselor who will provide you with exceptional knowledge about programs offered at Bentley, campus life, and the admission process. For our tours, student ambassadors will take you all around campus, sharing important facts you and your family should know about Bentley, as well as personal experiences. You’ll have the chance to see our academic buildings, library, classrooms, student center, gym and even a dorm! The tours are a great opportunity for prospective students to have an in-depth conversation with a current student and discover what life at Bentley is truly like. For those of you going out on a tour, don’t be afraid to ask your tour guide questions! Student ambassadors can help you decipher whether Bentley would be a good fit or not, but that’s only possible if you ask questions and share with them what you’re looking for in a college.


It can be difficult for high school students to fully           comprehend what college is like and therefore it can be challenging to know what kinds of questions you should ask when you visit colleges. To help those of you who might need an idea of what kinds of questions we often receive on tours and in interviews, here’s a list of questions that can help get you on the right track!


  • How much time do students typically spend on homework each week?
  • What is the average class size at Bentley?
  • What percentage of financial need does Bentley typically meet?
  • Are there any opportunities to work on campus?
  • What percentage of freshman return for sophomore year?
  • What is the job placement rate?
  • What are the professors like? Have you had the opportunity to develop a relationship with any of them?
  • Where do you go on campus if you need extra help or academic advice?
  • Do you find Career Services to be helpful?
  • How did you choose your major?
  • What do students do on or around campus on the weekends?
  • What’s been your favorite experience at Bentley?

My last piece of advice would be to ask for the business card of any student worker or admission counselor you have the opportunity to speak with. It’s not uncommon for students to leave campus and on the car ride home think of a question you wish you had asked during the tour or interview.  By having that business card, you can easily find the e-mail address of either your tour guide or a counselor and ask them your question(s). Also, for those of you thinking about applying to Bentley, it never hurts being in contact with the admission counselor assigned to your area who will be reading your application. You can ask one of our student workers at the front desk to inform you of who that counselor might be.


We look forward to meeting you all as you visit Bentley this summer! Enjoy!

Implementing the Bentley Beliefs at Orientation 2015

As Orientation 2015 comes to a close, I am reflecting on the past three weeks of welcoming the newest members of the Bentley community.

Becoming an Orientation Leader has been my fondest Bentley experience to date. Like most Bentley students, I value leadership positions and try my best to take advantage of every opportunity to build relationships with others throughout campus. Prior to this experience, I have held positions throughout various departments on campus, i.e. Admissions, Residence Life, Academic Services. That said, orientation has been a place where I have been able to culminate all the things I know and love about Bentley and share with as many people as possible, while at the same time continually learning things I had never known about the place I have called home for the past two years.

The transition from high school to college is a tough one for anyone, but Bentley works really diligently to ease nerves and create a comforting atmosphere for incoming freshmen. From an internal perspective, the program provides far more than three days and two nights of friendly competition and information sessions. Instead, orientation has been a time to put the Bentley Beliefs in full action.

The Bentley Beliefs, for those who may be unfamiliar, can be summed up in four words- respect, diversity, integrity and learning/growth. With these expectations well established, it was easy for 52 peers to become more than just an inclusive representation of our student body and all it has to offer, but unanticipated friends, forming unlikely bonds in a matter of days. Further, we have proven that the Bentley Beliefs are relevant anywhere on campus, in the dorms, student organizations, as well as in and out of the classroom.

This year’s incoming freshman have already shown they represent the Bentley Beliefs through respecting each other’s differences and coming together as teams, competing in spirit competitions while continually learning about what Bentley has to offer, in addition to what you can offer Bentley. With orientation being a brief indication of the next four years, I have high hopes for the Class of 2019 and have no doubt that they will succeed in relaying the Bentley Beliefs to our community and beyond.


Welcome to Bentley!

Why I Chose to Take Summer Classes at Bentley

It is finally May, you are finished with your finals and looking forward to another great summer, getting ready for your summer jobs or internships, and preparing for your summer classes. Wait, what? Yes you heard correctly, summer classes. Here at Bentley summer courses are a great part of the Bentley community, but I am sure you are thinking to yourself, why would anyone want to take a class during the summer. Personally, as a student I believe that there are three reasons as to why students would want to take classes at Bentley during the summer.

The first reason I feel students take summer classes at Bentley is to get a jump start on their courses, which could translate into them starting their master’s program a semester or even a year earlier. Here at Bentley if you are accepted into the Master’s Candidate Program you have the opportunity to take graduate courses during your fall and spring semester’s senior year, which gives you the opportunity to finish your graduate degree earlier than most. Also, if you finish your graduate degree ahead of time you are able to start working full-time earlier, which means you start making money earlier (and as students we cannot deny we all enjoy making money).  It sounds like a great plan to me! If you are willing to sacrifice a couple weeks out of each summer to take some courses to get ahead on your work to become more financially independent earlier then where can I sign up?

The second reason I feel students take summer courses at Bentley is because it can free up your schedule in the fall and spring semester. Why would students want to do this? Easy, if a student is able to take four classes a semester, as opposed to five, it opens up the door for them to be more involved on campus, be able to manage an internship throughout the semester, and/or focus more time towards your academics. As a student who has taken four classes during a semester I was able to continue my internship from the summer, focus a lot more on my classes which resulted in making the dean’s list, and I was able to get involved in many different clubs and organizations around campus. From a student perspective, taking summer classes to enjoy a possible internship during the year, get better grades, and become a more well-rounded student all sound like positives to me.

Finally, the third reason I feel that Bentley students take summer classes is because there are certain courses offered in the summer that aren’t always offered in the fall or spring semester. This is something I can fully attest to seeing as I was fortunate enough to take a coastal geology course of Cape Cod during the May weekend intensive. The best part about this course was that it was actually on Cape Cod, yes Cape Cod. For a week I was able to fully learn about many various natural causes that are affecting not only our coastlines in Cape Cod, but our coastlines all around the world. It was one of the most eye-opening courses that I have taken during my time as a student here at Bentley and I believe that truly says a lot about the professors teaching the course, as well as the hands-on learning you are receiving while out there. Oh, also I forgot to mention that it was 70 degrees and sunny all week, plus we got to travel to some of the most beautiful beaches in the Cape. Aside from it being extremely educational, it wasn’t a bad place to be for a week either.

As a student who is currently taking classes during the summer, I think it is definitely worth sacrificing a few weeks out of the summer to do this because it can only better you as a student. So next summer when classes are ending in May, log into My Bentley and enroll in a course or two for the summer. From my perspective, you won’t regret it.

One Lasting Piece of Advice

The typical college-searching, campus-touring high school student is bombarded with approximately 2,943 pieces of unwarranted, unhelpful, and unfounded advice before they even hit ‘submit’ on the Common App.  Okay, so perhaps I made that up, but from what I can remember, everyone and anyone for that matter had thoughts on how I should best move through the search and application process.  “Be funny in your essay” they said; “Join activities to show your well-roundedness” they said.  “Check out my alma mater” or “You should really look into engineering”.

As a junior and senior, you are absolutely barraged with tidbits of advice, suggestions, reminders and recommendations from everyone you meet.  And you know what, more often than not, these pieces of advice have more to do with the person saying them than with you!

Back when I was going through the college search (the search that eventually landed me at Bentley!), I let many of the so-called “words of wisdom” from others just wash over me and didn’t take much of it to heart.  Looking back, there is one piece of advice that actually resonated with me and it came from my dad.  Surprising, right?  The last thing I wanted to do at the time was admit that he was (dare I say it) right!

At the start of every campus tour, he would lean over and say, “Don’t forget to look for your spot”.  From the very beginning of my search, my dad told me about a space on his college campus that felt like it was his and only his.  A small cubby of a space in an academic building that no one else seemed to know about; this became his haven during his college years.  A place to study, write papers, get some space from roommates, or just find calm among the buzz of campus life.

For me, when I looked at schools, I had already done the research on rankings, majors, job placement rates and all of those other fast facts.  I was zoned in on getting the true sense of what it felt like to be on a campus and if I could picture myself adopting that community as my own for four years.  With the idea of finding “my spot” on campus, it kept me focused during long tours on really soaking in the campus and thinking about my future cubby of space to call my own.

After countless campus tours, edits and re-edits of my essay, months spent waiting to hear back, and one really exciting visit from my mailman, I got my acceptance letter to Bentley.  My mind instantly transported me to the feeling of being on campus, despite being in my familiar kitchen at home.  What I loved though, was the fact that the familiar feeling of being home was what I also felt as I pictured Bentley in my mind.  It felt like the place that I would call my home for the next four years and the place that I could have “my spot” on campus.

smith picture

P.S. – My spot was somewhere in this building, but I can’t give away its exact location!  Maybe someday you’ll find your spot here too!

Thinking Ahead – to YOUR Summer Orientation

The beginning of summer generally means lazy days, beach days, vacations to exotic and not so exotic places, and perhaps a summer job?! However, the past few weeks at Bentley University we have been fortunate enough to welcome many students from the class of 2019 to campus for Summer Orientation. This is when the student affairs staff and the Bentley community familiarize the newest additions to our community, and their parents, to the campus (residence halls, academic buildings, etc), the academic opportunities and support systems available and the variety of services now at their fingertips as official members of our community.

What is Summer Orientation? Great question. It’s three days and two nights of workshops, group bonding, class selection, a residence life experience, and the opportunity to explore all of the facilities and services at the university. It’s almost as if we have our own version of summer camp that ends a bit too soon, with the promise of a reunion in just a few short months (also known as the beginning of the fall semester).

Summer orientation is just the beginning, it reminds me of one of the many reasons why I love admissions. All of the hard work each of our new additions did throughout their four years of high school and the time we in the admissions office spent crafting the incoming class comes together for the first time. We get to celebrate our continued traditions here at Bentley. Our sleepy summer campus is vibrant again for six whole days.

Thinking ahead – this could be you. A year from now once you have finished the arduous, but rewarding, task called the college application process, you could be one of the many we welcome to Bentley’s campus for the summer orientation for the class of 2020. Simple enough. My advice to you – when the application process becomes challenging or you become nervous about getting in, just envision yourself at YOUR Summer Orientation because even though the process can be a bit daunting your orientation is right around the corner and you too will be a first year college student.

Spring Day

Spring Day is the most highly anticipated event of the year for all Bentley students. What does Spring Day entail you might ask? It’s Bentley’s big spring concert, which takes place the weekend before finals begin. It’s the last hoorah with your friends and classmates before you head home for the summer (or in my case, enter the real world). Each year Bentley hosts a barbecue down at the Dana Center, with games, obstacle courses, and other activities taking place on the football field nearby. Crowds flock to the free food and activities before the concert. If you come to Bentley, you’ll soon discover how much students love free food and t-shirts! There’s so much to do on campus during Spring Day that you’re guaranteed to have an amazing time with friends.

The Campus Activities Board outdid themselves this year by bringing Jason Derulo to campus. The concert was a blast and the best part was that tickets were only $1! Talk about a good deal. Past performers that have come to Bentley include T-Pain, Nelly, Ludacris, Gloriana, and Far East Movement.

Spring Day performer Jason Derulo
Spring Day performer Jason Derulo

The reason Spring Day is the best day of the year for Bentley students is because it’s a fun day with friends before having to stress over finals. Students wake up early in anticipation for the big day. With so many activities taking place on campus and an amazing concert, it’s no wonder why students can’t wait for Spring Day each year. It’s not uncommon to see groups of friends or members of fraternities and sororities walking around in customized t-shirts. Everyone wants a t-shirt to help remember the best day of the year! My friends and I would always get together a few weeks before Spring Day and customize our own tank tops so that we would stand out amongst the crowds of Bentley students. It’s nice having a tank top from each Spring Day, helping me relive the great memories I had!

Spring Day 2015
Spring Day 2015
Spring Day 2014
Spring Day 2014


Hello readers! Whether you are an admitted student who will be joining our community this fall as a freshman or if you’re a prospective student in the midst of the college process, I hope you will all enjoy hearing about my own personal experiences here at Bentley University. By sharing my experiences in blog posts, I’m hoping that you’ll get a better sense of what life at Bentley entails and be able to better determine if Bentley could be a good fit for you. Before I start blogging about my experiences, I wanted to share with you all a little bit about myself.

For starters, my name is Carolyn Jenkins and I’m from Andover, MA. I graduated from Bentley in May. Saying I graduated is a scary thing to type out. As you can see, I am still in denial that college is over and that I actually graduated. Anyway…

Most college grads always say that college was the best four years of their life. For me however, I can only say I had the best three years of my life at Bentley since I didn’t transfer here until my sophomore year. I attended a different university in CT for my freshman year, where I studied business and met some amazing people. Unfortunately, although I had a great group of friends and felt like the school was a good fit academically, campus never felt like home to me. It seemed as though something was missing and it was not the college experience I wanted. Lucky for me, my parents were supportive of my decision to transfer and choosing Bentley was by far the best decision I ever made.

I transferred to Bentley knowing I had a strong interest in business, but uncertain of which major was right for me. After my first semester and completing a marketing class, I declared my major as Marketing, with a minor in law (another interest of mine). I’ve become passionate about marketing over the years, so much so that I decided to apply to the Master’s Candidate Program here at Bentley, in hopes of completing my Master’s degree in a 5th year. I’m happy to report that I have been accepted into the Master’s Program and I’ll be continuing my studies here at Bentley studying Marketing Analytics this fall. It’s true… I loved Bentley so much that I’m just not quite ready to leave.

I always tried to stay busy during my undergraduate career. As early as my first week on campus I had signed up for several clubs and organizations, such as Campus Activities Board, Bentley Fashion Consultants and HerCampus. I started working on campus as well, becoming a tour guide (or as we call them here, an “ambassador”) by the end of spring semester. I also gave back to my transfer community by becoming a Transfer Seminar Facilitator and Orientation Leader for two years. By my senior year, I was fortunate enough to become an Admission Fellow, where I interview prospective students and work alongside admission counselors, assisting them in various ways.

The 2014-2015 Admission Fellows at our Secret Santa party
The 2014-2015 Admission Fellows at our Secret Santa reveal

So now you might ask what does post grad life entail for me this summer? Well, as I wait to begin graduate school this fall I’m back at the Undergraduate Admissions Office, working as an Admission Fellow once again. If any of you reading are visiting Admissions this summer, be sure to say hello!

Well… that’s enough about me. I’ll be sure to share with you all some of my favorite Bentley experiences and the aspects of Bentley I found most appealing as a student here. Hope you all enjoy!

Bentley Library

Taking Advantage of Summer

Summer is the most unique time for us here in Admissions. The frenzy and fun of the application reading season and selection process is behind us, the new class has been selected and is eager to start at the end of August, and the hustle and bustle of another fall travel season awaits us in September. This is the time that we admission folks get to plan fall travel and enjoy the talent of our colleagues. We are always striving to figure out ways to improve upon our successes from the previous year, learn new tools of the trade, take some vacation days, and enjoy the warm weather on campus by taking our lunches to the picnic tables outside. The university campus crew can begin all of the renovation projects that help to enhance learning and brighten the experience for the next school year. Summertime is when we learn about the new and exciting things our friends across campus are coming up with and how we can also take part in the broader community.

Now – I’m sure you’re wondering what this means for those of you who want to visit…and don’t fret, summer is a perfect time for you to come and visit us. In fact, we are excited and awaiting your arrival – it’s one of the highlights during this time of year. With the extended hours of summer days, we are able to offer you insight into our process and give you tips before you begin your common application and essays. During the summer we offer information sessions and tours for students and families Monday through Thursday through mid-August and have self-guided tours available on Fridays! Our student ambassadors will take you on a tour and you can sit in on an information session with an admissions officer to learn more about the unique programs and community that make Bentley University so special. We also offer interviews Monday through Thursday during the summer, which allow us to learn more about you and offer you a more in-depth personal conversation about Bentley. Having visitors like you come to campus definitely makes the summer in the Watch City a more interesting place.

While on campus you should take a picture of yourself, your family, or your tour group using #FalconPix and see what happens. Enjoy your summer and be sure to visit Bentley! We will be here, looking forward to seeing you around campus!

The College Search – Top 6 Ways You’re Doing It Wrong

The hunt is on.  Out of nearly 4000 colleges and universities in the United States alone, you have been charged with narrowing that list down to just a select few which you will apply to and eventually just one that you will enroll in for the next four years.  No big deal, you’ve got this, right?  Right?

From someone who has gone through the process and has watched others make their way for many years, I wanted to offer you the top 6 ways that students go about their search and application process in the wrong way.

You’re doing the college search wrong if…

1. You made your decision to like a school (or not) based solely on the website.

A bunch of HTML and graphics shouldn’t be the only reason you make this decision.  Websites are there to give you as much information as possible, but there is still nothing like getting your feet on a campus and seeing it for yourself, rather than through the eyes of an IT department!

2. You are applying to a school just because your mom/dad/brother/aunt went there.

Sure, it makes for a great story to share amongst the family tree, but make sure you are picking a school because is it where you can see yourself being successful and happy.  Just because someone else had a great experience doesn’t automatically mean that it is the right choice for you.  It can be hard to tell a family member that you don’t want to follow in their exact footsteps, but speaking up now can make your next four years a lot better.

3. You cross a school off your list just by looking at the cost.

College is expensive.  I know that, you know that, colleges know that.  What is important to remember is that your cost is not necessarily the same one that is shown on college websites and brochures.  The annual cost of tuition, fees, room and board doesn’t take into account any potential merit or athletic scholarships or federal, state, or institutional aid like loans, grants, or work study awards.  When you find a school you are interested in, make sure you ask about available scholarships (and what you have to do to qualify).  Ask what forms they need submitted and by what deadlines. Check out the Net Price Calculator that is found on every college website.  With the right financial aid package, some schools that appeared too costly at the outset may end up being more reasonable than a school with a lower starting “sticker price”.

4. You wait until the last minute to write your college essay. Under pressure, it’ll just write itself, right?

Quite a bit of the time you spend filling out college applications will be focused on checking off this box and that box and entering your address, your birthday and school information (you will have that high school CEEB code memorized before you know it).  When it comes time to “write” your essay in the application, hopefully you are able to copy and paste in your carefully and thoughtfully crafted final draft instead of starting from scratch.  Your essay is your chance to talk to us!  You have the attention of the admission committee – what do you want them to know about you?

5. You ask the first teacher you see in the hall at school to write you a letter of recommendation.

Think carefully before asking just any teacher to write this all important letter.  Not every single teacher is going to know you well enough to portray your best qualities to an admission committee.  Don’t necessarily just pick the teacher who has given you the highest grade. Consider asking a teacher who helped you through one of your tougher classes – they may have gotten some insight into how you handle challenges or setbacks.  They may be the one who has really seen you blossom through the years and exceed all expectations.

6. You watched the movie Admission. Tina Fey was funny. Also, you know everything about college admissions now.

Fact: This rom-com was mildly entertaining.  Myth: Every admission office in the country is just like the one in the movie.  Each college and university has different deadlines, programs, policies, and admission processes.  Find out who your admission counselor is, ask what else you can do to stand out, make sure all of your information is sent (and then, in fact received) at each college.  Admission counselors are in this line of work because they want to be a resource to you, so take advantage of their help!

Meet the Students: Stephanie Metzger

The first in a series of blogs I’ll do about the people you meet around campus.  This “meet the people” will hopefully give you some insight into what I think truly makes Bentley the place it is. From students to professors to staff and everyone else, you’ll hear me emphasize that regardless of where you are, the people that are with you make the experience meaningful. I’ve been lucky enough to meet some awesome people along my four year journey and want to share them with you.

Steph Metzger
Steph and her sister

Name: Stephanie Metzger

How we met: This encounter was a little embarrassing for me. I am a staunch supporter of Bentley Women’s Volleyball (and all Bentley sports for that matter), and attend as many home games as I can. I had gotten to know some of the players and we would see each other around campus often. I introduced myself to Steph one day when she was with a few of the other volleyball girls, only to find out that she had been sitting directly in front of me in a finance class for the whole semester. Not my proudest moment.

Class Year: Junior

Hometown: Liberty Hill, Texas

At Bentley: Steph plays on the women’s volleyball team, is a project manager for Service Learning, and claims to be the number 1 referee for intramural sports*
*Andrew’s note: I’ve been the victim of some suspect net violation calls in intramural volleyball so I would debate that last point

Desired superpower: Power to heal or ability to talk to animals

One thing you couldn’t live without: Concerts/Country Music*
*Andrew’s note: Texas is as Texas does

Dream job: Being very high up in a company like Make-A-Wish or a similar company that helps children

Role Model/Person who inspires you: Carrie Underwood*
*Andrew’s note: Same (heart eyes emoji)

Most embarrassing moment: At the beginning of her second semester freshmen year she sat in class in Smith 200 instead of Jennison 200 for 15 minutes*
*Andrew’s note: This would be more understandable if it was first semester freshman year, but I am also guilty of having gone to the wrong academic building so no judgement here

Film Franchise:
     Toy Story*/Harry Potter/Twilight/Home Alone/Hunger Games
*Andrew’s note: Harry Potter was the clear front runner and Sid (Andy’s neighbor in Toy Story) is literally the most evil little kid ever and his toys gave me nightmares so I’m not with her on this one

     Ice Cream*/Hamburger/Chocolate/Kale Smoothie/Sushi/Pizza
*Andrew’s note: DUH

Summer plans: Either working back in Texas or staying in Boston

“To infinity and beyond!” – Buzz Lightyear