Spring Day

Spring Day is the most highly anticipated event of the year for all Bentley students. What does Spring Day entail you might ask? It’s Bentley’s big spring concert, which takes place the weekend before finals begin. It’s the last hoorah with your friends and classmates before you head home for the summer (or in my case, enter the real world). Each year Bentley hosts a barbecue down at the Dana Center, with games, obstacle courses, and other activities taking place on the football field nearby. Crowds flock to the free food and activities before the concert. If you come to Bentley, you’ll soon discover how much students love free food and t-shirts! There’s so much to do on campus during Spring Day that you’re guaranteed to have an amazing time with friends.

The Campus Activities Board outdid themselves this year by bringing Jason Derulo to campus. The concert was a blast and the best part was that tickets were only $1! Talk about a good deal. Past performers that have come to Bentley include T-Pain, Nelly, Ludacris, Gloriana, and Far East Movement.

Spring Day performer Jason Derulo
Spring Day performer Jason Derulo

The reason Spring Day is the best day of the year for Bentley students is because it’s a fun day with friends before having to stress over finals. Students wake up early in anticipation for the big day. With so many activities taking place on campus and an amazing concert, it’s no wonder why students can’t wait for Spring Day each year. It’s not uncommon to see groups of friends or members of fraternities and sororities walking around in customized t-shirts. Everyone wants a t-shirt to help remember the best day of the year! My friends and I would always get together a few weeks before Spring Day and customize our own tank tops so that we would stand out amongst the crowds of Bentley students. It’s nice having a tank top from each Spring Day, helping me relive the great memories I had!

Spring Day 2015
Spring Day 2015
Spring Day 2014
Spring Day 2014

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